In its second year, the Escena Erasmus project won the National Charlemagne Youth Prize and won third position in the European Charlemagne Youth Prize for promoting culture and Europeanism between the youths of Europe. Escena Erasmus had now become the first Spanish project to win such a prestigious prize. This prize meant that those within Escena Erasmus could perform to the European Parliament.
During the academic year 2010-2011 there were two shows dedicated to French modern dramas. In the first semester the show ‘Oh la là!’ A tragic comedy from the twentieth century, from two French texts (Jean Tardieu, Ionesco, J. C. Grumberg, M. Simonot, L.C. Sirjacq) with songs from Brel, Piaf, Brassens etc. In the second semester we explored the contemporary French panorama through the show ‘De chalets y familias’; from texts of Natacha de Pontcharra, Louise Doutreligne, Enzo Cormann o Noëlle Renaude, belonging to new and current dramas which revolutionised the relation of the texts to the performance and tested the conventions, the rules and the forms of theatrical scenes.
For the second year in a row, Escena Erasmus won the competition ‘Acción Cultural Española Las Huellas de La Barraca’ or “Cultural Action – The treads of the barracks.’ This allowed the financing, producing and realising of the show ‘El maravilloso retablo de las maravillas europeas’ to visit thirty eight cities and theatre festivals meaning that the name and prestige of our University was projected across Spain.
Furthermore, during ‘las Fallas’ 2011, (The annual fire festival in Valencia, which is famous throughout all of Spain) Escena Erasmus collaborated with the Falla Na Jordana and performed a theatrical scene within the monument. This performance was titled ‘Welcome to Hell’ and ran five times a day, staged within the monument, with the lighting by Xarxa Theatre. During this show, there was an audience of more than ten thousand during the week of festivities.
In May 2011, due to the group’s own initiative they performed a showing on the street of Europrisión which had had a huge success in the Festival of Street Arts within Elche.