What is Escena Erasmus?
The European Theatre Project Escena Erasmus is a program designed and directed by CRIT Companyia de Teatre (Anna Marí, Daniel Tormo and Josep Valero) for the University of Valencia, promoted by the Vice-Rectorates of Culture and Society and Internationalization and Multilingualism.
Escena Erasmus is a pioneering project in Europe, promoter of European citizenship, aimed at both local and international Erasmus students based on stage training and the production of inedit shows that offer constant critical reflection on Europe and our way of being European. It aims to take advantage of the potential of the Erasmus+ program to promote quality intercultural creation.
Escena Erasmus is a cultural method of excellence that includes professionals from the Valencian, Spanish and European performing arts in its creations and thus becomes a showcase for new theatrical creation.
Escena Erasmus has launched from the University of Valencia, different tour programs with the Culture Area of the Provincial Government of Valencia, the IVAJ-Institut Valencià de la Joventut, the Valencian Anti-Depopulation Agenda and the European Commission in Spain.
In addition, Escena Erasmus has created its own European network of universities, the Erasmus Europe on Scene Network, based in Valencia (the city that receives the most Erasmus students in Europe), which has allowed the project to be replicated in cities in Italy, Germany and Poland.
In its history, Escena Erasmus has performed more than 15 shows that have toured throughout Spain and have been seen at the headquarters of the European Commission, at the Teatro Real in Madrid and in other cities in Italy and Germany. His productions have been seen by more than 200,000 people. He has multiple publications and academic research works. More than 300 students have participated, many of whom are actors, actresses, playwrights or professional producers.
One of its most consolidated projects, “The Small Europes” allows the founding values of the European Union to be disseminated in rural areas. Its objective is not only artistic but seeks to promote a new European citizenship through culture that directly affects the rural development of the most depopulated regions.