In its fourth year Escena Erasmus began with a new theatre, culture and rural tourism program: ‘Las Europas Menudes- Las Pequeñas Europas’ in collaboration with the Cultural Area of the Council of Valencia, the vice-rectors of Culture and Equality and International Relations and Co-operation of the Univeristy of Valencia. It also had the support of the Vice-rector of Participation and Territorial Projection. Within this new program, the new show; ‘The Passengers, (A midsummer’s night dream)’ written by Anna Marí and Daniel Tormo and directed by Panchi Vivò, travelled to eight villages within the province of Valencia (Petrés, Otos, Carrícola, Alfara de la Baronia, Aras de los Olmos, Sot de Chera, Sellent y Benigànim) and participated in the Festival of the Summer at the University of Gandia. This tour had an audience of more than 2,300 people. The first show was performed in the Claustro of the cultural centre ‘La Nau’ , it had audience of more than 600 people, and it was transmitted on the university livestream, on the channel MediaUni.
As for the course of Escena Erasmus, the auditions had more than two hundred applicants representing more than nineteen countries within Europe and six in South America. Once the selection ended, twenty-three students were selected, representing fourteen European countries. During the academic year, Escena Erasmus carried out the show ‘Y cambiamos de vida’ (And we change the life,) with Grecian texts and songs as well as the show ‘Una Europa de las personas y la cultura’ (A Europe of people and culture,) which was presented at the ‘Campus of excellence VLC, in the faculty of philology in February 2013.
In 2013 the European network of Escena Erasmus began to grow and expand, firstly in Marburg, Germany and then in Padua, Italy. The bonds strengthened with FGUV (The University of Valencia funding program) and the European Documentation Centre with which preliminary studies are being carried out for the presentation of the Erasmus Scene Network to the new European Union aid programs.
It must also be emphasised that in July 2013 the first meeting between Escena Erasmus and the team of directors at ENCATC (European Network of Cultural Administration Training) allowed us to present our project in Antwerp on the 7th November for all of the partners of this important network of cultural management.
Finally, Escena Erasmus continued the social activities with the objective of involving the European Erasmus students in the social and cultural life of the Valencian Country. The 21st May the students of Escena Erasmus led the ‘World day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development’ in the room of the ‘Muralla del Colegio Mayor Rector Peset’ in the University of Valencia with a large audience. On the 20th June musicians of Escena Erasmus participated in ‘Musicians for equality’ in the Benimaclet-Mestalla district. On the 16th October 2013 Escena Erasmus collaborated with the united marathon for the red cross in the ‘Sala de Russafa’ in Valencia.
This year an old group of alumni from Escena Erasmus created the company Rocambolesc Teatre which centres around the exploration of social theatre and the development of dramatic activities in unconventional spaces.